Newcastle AC are hosting a Hill & Dale Mini-series for U16 athletes.
The race will consist of 4 of the more accessible courses from the main series:
13th April – Castlewellan
20th April – Tollymore
4th May – Binnian
24th June – Drinnahilly (note Friday evening)
Entries are open to athletes born in 2008 and 2009 only.
Athletes who do not turn 16 before the start of the Hill & Dale series may compete in the U16 four race series.
Athletes who are 16 at the time of the 1st race can only compete in the full Hill & Dale series.
The races are marked, except for mountain section of Tollymore and Binnian, which will involve navigating the hillside – parents and athletes should ensure they are confident in negotiating both these courses, in particular in poor weather.
The male and female winners will be decided based on the best 3 results from the 4-race series.
Entries will be online, via the main H&D site, unlike last year. You enter and pay for each race, unlike last year. This is to reduce administration on the night.
Numbers can be collected at the first race and should be retained for the remainder of the series.
Bring own pins for your number.
Kit requirements and race instructions will be identical to the instructions and requirements for the Senior athletes.
Note – unlike the previous U16 series, the Tollymore race will not be shortened, but athletes will complete the same distance as the seniors (this is to avoid any confusion for athletes completing the course)
The Castlewellan race will be modified for the U16 athletes to follow UK Athletics guidance for a maximum race length of 7km.
Further guidance will be supplied on the night of the Castlewellan Race.