Castlewellan Christmas Cracker 2023

This year’s Castlewellan Christmas Cracker will be held Saturday 30 December 2023. 1pm start.

Online Registration will open on Monday 25th September 2023 at 18:00.

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Further information and to enter online:

Christmas Cracker 2023

Christmas Cracker Medal 2023

This year all finishers will receive a medal. The medal was designed by students at Shimna Integrated College.

Soup and rolls are available in the hall after the race for all participants!

Cash prizes for first three teams, Men, Women & Mixed.

Cash prize for first team outside top three in following age categories (combined age on day of race): 80 -99, 100-119, 120-139 and 140+ Men, Women & Mixed.

Spot prizes for best fancy dress.



McGrady and Lennon lead a high-class field home in a cracking cracker

Castlewellan Christmas Cracker 2023 by Bogusboy

The annual Castlewellan Christmas Cracker has become part of the lexicon of athletes and occasional runners across Northern Ireland and is now as much a part of the festive season as turkey, mince pies and the visit of the big fella with the red suit and the white beard. The enthusiasm generated by the event is evident in the quick sale of the 750 places available for teams of two soon after they were released in October. Invariably, situations change and teams are changed as illness, injury or other commitments take priority. Notwithstanding these vagaries of life, the market town was awash with colour as the minutes counted down to Uncle Frank’s whistle to set the masses on their way. 651 teams completed the course and the positive feedback testified to the hard work that had made the event happen.

Last year’s mantra was stun ‘the legs and play with the mind’ and we were left to wonder what tagline would characterise the 2023 version. In the end it was declared that ‘keep them wondering and bite hard at the end’ was an apposite summary for what unfolded. Phrases like ‘Jimmy King’s ground is under 2 feet of water’ did little to assuage the fears of the small number of those with a glimmer of an idea as to where the course would potentially go. Continue reading

Stun the legs and play with the head

A Review of the Castlewellan Christmas Cracker by Bogusboy

There was much anticipation in the build-up to race day. Uncertainty in the midst of a new variant of the Covid-19 virus had everyone on edge. Thankfully, the race was allowed to proceed as planned and what a spectacle it turned out to be. Registration had opened months in advance and entries sold out in record time, a clear indication that this race has become a firm favourite for the elite and the not so elite runner. For most, it is the sense of turning up on the day not knowing what to expect. The race has two unique selling points. Firstly, you have to run with a partner and you are only ever as good as your other half. Many alliances come unstuck on the hills and in the mud and friendships are often lost, regained and lost again as the race unfolds. Secondly, and perhaps more uniquely only a select few know the course in advance and they are sworn to secrecy. This is unusual in that most of us go to a race knowing what to expect in terms of distance, terrain and elevation: not so with this one! The only information is that it begins and ends in Castlewellan and it is between 8.5 and 9 miles (8.78 miles this year if my Garmin is to be trusted!

The course this year was a very tightly guarded secret with only those entrusted to assist with the marking on the eve of the race getting any real insight. When asked to describe the course, the Prophet simply stated, ‘it will stun the legs and play with the head’. These words rang in my head as I ran around fields that I never expected to, climbed hills that I never climbed before and at one point, if my eyesight is not failing saw Sherpa Tenzing throwing down ropes and herding a cabinet of Yaks (I chose the more flowery collective noun!)! Continue reading

Christmas Cracker 2020 Update

It is with great regret that Newcastle AC announces the cancellation of the annual Christmas Cracker Pairs Race. Unfortunately, the health restrictions, which are in place for the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, make it impossible for the club to safely manage the volume of competitors that normally take part.

We look forward to welcoming runners to Castlewellan for the 2021 Christmas Cracker.

Christmas Cracker 2020 Update

It is with great regret that Newcastle AC announces the cancellation of the annual Christmas Cracker Pairs Race. Unfortunately, the health restrictions, which are in place for the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, make it impossible for the club to safely manage the volume of competitors that normally take part.

We look forward to welcoming runners to Castlewellan for the 2021 Christmas Cracker.